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The Kids

Every child enrolled in the My Joyful Heart program is disadvantaged in one way or another: they are from single-parent or grandparent-led households, some are in special education, and many are homeless.  The children are school-aged, generally 4 & up; however, we also provide for many young adults.

What They Receive

My Joyful Heart believes all children have the potential to succeed in life and if basic needs are met, children will perform better both academically and socially. Additionally, we embrace the findings of a 1968 study performed by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, Pygmalion in the Classroom, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Simply stated, the study found that children who are made to feel special will do better in life.

We assist children by providing basic necessities throughout the year. They receive a wide range of items, both fun and practical. Each child is individually shopped for from our inventory. This helps the child feel special because they receive items in their favorite color or receive something that was on their wish list.

There are five gift events each year, plus a special gift for their birthday. In addition to the items included with the gift events, each child is given a card ("Hope Notes") with encouraging words and scripture. The cards are always signed "Love, Jesus" to reinforce His love to each and all.

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